Teenage David Byrne-like voice tells of Suburban Warfare, tearing down the houses they built in the Seventies, Subdivisions vs Subdivisions, an Endless New Stalingrad fought in Cul-de-Sacs, Brady Bunch House Strongpoints, all the adults soon dead, kids on bikes rounded up by mysterious "Cops" and "Re-Educated" in Deluxe Concentration Camps. San Francisco's "gone," the narrator is nostalgic and keeps re-visiting the ruins of the Universal Suburban War, he can't find his house (presumed destroyed) and some kind of population explosion post-war pushes he and his friends into the New Sprawl, endless, outward from Dead Cities, and a New War several times every day, until a woman-girl finally sings a song about how we will never escape from the Sprawl. Staggering.
Henry Reed's Journal
This is the personal journal of Randy Russell, named after the Henry Reed
books, by Keith Robertson, which were written in the form of journals.
Thus, *HEN...
12 years ago